Ok the new area is functional yet not totally set up. I still have lots of stuff lying around, but over the last few days, I have had a number of new projects started so I am waiting for some time to clean up.
On Tuesday, my mate Wayne came over for a jam and chat, and we got started on a song which has been in his head for some time, so we wiped away the cobwebs, and started work on it. He said it was a piece inspired by a Sophia Loren movie he had seen some time back which has haunted him since. It sounds promising from what we have so far, yet is in no way complete.
Tuesday night I wanted to try something new out with my partner, we have been talking about having a go at writing some country rock songs (which is quite strange because neither of us are huge country music fans but J has a great voice for country music). I managed to get together a tune, and record it and J has written some lyrics which mention living in the bush and the problems associated with the current drought situation in the Australian outback. Our next step is to put the lyrics down. This should happen quite soon so as soon as it is ready, I will post it on this blog.
Today (Wednesday) two of my good friends (Billie and Dave) popped in with their guitars to put something down. After a rather slow start getting drums recorded, we entered hyper drive. The tracks were being layered down thick and fast, and before we knew it we had a complete song (without vocals as yet). I played around with the production side of it for an hour or two after they left, and am quite pleased with the results, even with the firecracker we recorded going off at the end of the track, which was Dave's great idea after spotting my collection of bungers. 'Let's end the song with a bunger going off' he laughed, and sometimes I just give in to his crazy ideas.
So as you can imagine, the area is not totally organised as yet, there are still leads, amps, and all sorts of stuff lying around though we already a hive of activity. I will probably down the instruments, and get to doing some more cleaning up this weekend ( but there is no guarantee).
And of course my cat Mugsy likes the area, he has taken up the habit of hanging out with me in here especially during the middle of the day when the sun streams full strength through the window.
Father Bob
6 years ago