Been a while since I have posted any new tunes to this space, so I thought I would add something recent. When I say recent, I have been steadily getting back into the recording process after a major computer malfunction and restoring my Virtual instruments, This has taken time.
I have been completed a few tunes, one which I cannot post here due to copyright issues using unauthorised sample (hopefully these will be cleared), and the others still in refining stages (which isn't quite like me, I normally won't spent too long on the refining process, more of a spontaneous hit and run with it style so you may actually see it posted here soon).
I have been listening to a long awaited new release and have been inspired by some of the sounds of the new Flaming Lipps CD - Embryonic, so if some of the new stuff sounds rather psychedelic and experimental, that's probably the reason. Having been listening to the Lipps, I am currently experimenting with delay effects on distorted drum loops to get a raw industrial type of rhythm section happening, whilst also playing around with unconventional bass sounds, so ready your ears for some new sounds.
Meanwhile, I have attached below a soundtrack style tune I called "Creature Journey". Reminds me of the birth of some massive prehistoric creature and it's steps toward discovery of its leafy surroundings.
Would love to hear what imagery it concocts in your little twisted minds :)
Creature Journey
I have been completed a few tunes, one which I cannot post here due to copyright issues using unauthorised sample (hopefully these will be cleared), and the others still in refining stages (which isn't quite like me, I normally won't spent too long on the refining process, more of a spontaneous hit and run with it style so you may actually see it posted here soon).
I have been listening to a long awaited new release and have been inspired by some of the sounds of the new Flaming Lipps CD - Embryonic, so if some of the new stuff sounds rather psychedelic and experimental, that's probably the reason. Having been listening to the Lipps, I am currently experimenting with delay effects on distorted drum loops to get a raw industrial type of rhythm section happening, whilst also playing around with unconventional bass sounds, so ready your ears for some new sounds.
Meanwhile, I have attached below a soundtrack style tune I called "Creature Journey". Reminds me of the birth of some massive prehistoric creature and it's steps toward discovery of its leafy surroundings.
Would love to hear what imagery it concocts in your little twisted minds :)
Creature Journey