Whoa what a hectic time I've had since last posting, it wasn't planned to be but stuff just kept popping up. I'm sorry it's taken so long to post an update, but I have been rather busy (compared to my normal laid back lifestyle).
Firstly I blew a PA speaker at one of the Thursday night Jam sessions. Looks like these muso's are a destructive and loud bunch. Apparently J who normally uses his PA system has also blown a number of PA speakers on Thursday Jam nights, so while I'm not surprised. It was a bit of a shock when I went to use the speaker on Friday night for our usual cafe' elevator music gig, and a strange buzzing sound came through the PA.
Luckily, a good muso friend who lives only a few minutes away was able to lend us a PA speaker for the gig after a desperate phone call.
I later sourced a replacement, removed the blown speaker, and put the new one in, but as sure as the sky is blue, I had to re drill the PA box as the mounting holes didn't line up. I know it doesn't sound like a huge job, but for a dodgy handyman like me, I was sure I was going to stuff it up, but all turned out OK.
I also had a bit of bad luck on Monday night, I normally leave assorted pieces of music gear in my car to save me from carting stuff back and forth, I'm talking keyboard stand, power supply and leads bag, another music therapy bag with percussion instruments in it etc. Upon waking on Tuesday morning, the next door neighbour was at the front door letting me know that someone had broken into my car. Obviously they just wanted the music gear as nothing else was touched, so most of Tuesday was spent replacing the stuff taken and getting a smashed car window replaced.
Luckily I scraped up enough gear to still do the open mic on Thursday night, music therapy session and gig on Friday. One of the items I really miss though and will find it hard to replace was a Tibetan singing bowl, which I simply loved. I used to use it for meditation and also in music therapy for centering the group either at the beginning or end of the session. I am really going to miss it.
The rest of the week was quite uneventful, so I got back to my planned activities. We are in the first few weeks of spring in Australia, so I decided to do some pottering in the garden and enjoy the glorious weather we have been having. Mugsy (the cat) was surprised to see me spending time in the garden rather than spending it behind the computer desk, he hung around me investigating what I was doing to his precious habitat.
I also noticed that the broad beans I had planted earlier in the year were beginning to sprout beans, I was surprised to see this as most of my efforts to grow stuff end up in disaster as I usually look after them for the first few weeks, and then lose interest and they end up experiencing a slow and painful death. But not this time, the beans were coming out and the few that I sampled tasted great ! Yipee.
As far as music goes, I have probably started work on around five pieces of music which I intend to finish at some stage, but at the moment I am practicing for a gig which I have next week. As I don't get asked to do the Karaoke gigs that often (outside of Xmas period), I often have to relearn or refresh all the songs each time I have a gig, and of course they are always adding new songs to the list, so it is an ongoing task so to speak. Meanwhile I am also learning new stuff for our cafe' gig so as to provide some variation rather than playing the same old every week.
Well I hope I have something more interesting to post next time, but for now It's adios...
Cheers Ecca
Father Bob
6 years ago