Been a long time since I've posted here, a hell of a long time, over two years in fact. Wow doesn't time get away.
Now the massive task of bringing the blog up to date... wow where do I start.
Firstly the bands:
The Jitterbuggers are still going strong doing their swing, jazz,rock and roll and general dance music. Still pulling in a small dance crowd, just finishing off a 7 month residency at a local club, which follows a 9 month residancy at a previous club. Looks like the cold winter weather is our worst enemy when it comes to an audience.
The covers rock / blues band 'Only Human' is still going strong with one less band member. We have a few local shows coming up before the end of the year, still always good fun playing with these guys, always pulling a decent fun loving crowd.
Been involved with a new band over the last year or so called 'Vinyl' on a part time / substitute basis. A great bunch of friends doing 70's 80's rock from the Vinyl era. Great musicians getting some regular shows. Once again real fun playing with these blokes, and tackling some great songs which other cover bands leave well alone.
I am also still playing regularly with the 'Amigos' in the oldies homes enjoying this immensly.
Whilst enjoying performing, I am also still doing studio stuff at home, recording my material, other peoples material etc.
Consequently the song posted on this site over two years ago was on a CD I submitted to a prouction company, and a section of it was used in a Australian series called "Housos" which screened on commercial TV. The production company were kind enough to also use a few of my other compositions on the series as soundtrack music as well, so I was quite excited about that.
I have also been dabbling in a bit of DJ work, running a retro music video night called 'Retro A Go Go' monthly at a local club and now also starting a Dance Club at an old local pub, which should be a monthly success. As a result, I have been trying my hand at producing some dance music after having to familiarize myself with such a range of dance genres. Nothing like shifting out of your comfort zone. Might post some original dance tunes up here shortly.
That just about brings me up to date musically, take care till next time. (I will try not make it so long).
Father Bob
6 years ago