Its Friday night, and I'e been gearing up for this night for the last few weeks or so. I am involved in a band that plays corporate functions where the staff get up and sing and we back them up. quite fun really. The last time I did one of these gigs was about a 18 months ago, so as you can imagine I was quite rusty.
It's now 2.20am I just got back and thought I'd share the experience.
Firstly I must thank my father's GPS which I borrowed for the trip into Sydney, which helped considerably. I am normally a good navigator and quite good with maps, but not when I'm driving at the same time :)
So I found the place quite easily. Quite a nice function room on one of the wharfs on Sydney Harbour, very nice views, nice setting, well presented.
The rest of the band were already there (even though I was quite early), and I suddenly recognised some familiar faces of which some I had not seen for over two years.
The stage reminded me of a matchstick, quite long but stuff all wide, so instead of the usual triangle formation, we all had to set up in a line with the drummer in the middle.
I set up my 88 key keyboard which weighs a ton, and even more when it is in it's road case which I tenderly refer to as a child's coffin as it would probably be of the same dimensions, hooked up my Laney amp which weighs another ton and I was ready to go. well not quite, with these functions the musicians normally turn up before everyone else to set up and then wait a number of hours until it is time for them to play, so it was now the waiting game after a quick sound check.
We all chatted amongst ourselves, caught up on the last 2 years, talked muso talk, met a few celebrities which were judging some of the acts for the night, drank a few ales, had our meal, watched the clients arrive in their crazy costumes ( it was a theme night ), and smoked way too many cigarettes.
OK we were ready to go, ( the schedule was running around 45 mins late as usual for these type of functions). The acts were made up of different department members from this firm, some were listenable, others were average, most were awful, but still entertaining in sadistic sort of way. Most singing way beyond their range, others fighting over microphones, some even falling off the back of the stage. Everyone had fun including the band.
The strangest thing about the night was that the musicians on either end of the stage, couldn't hear each other, so I couldn't hear the guitarist, and he couldn't hear the keys. We got through it OK though.
The night ended on a great rendition of 'Hey Jude' with the crowd coming in on the 'na na na' bit with a choir of slurring voices not wanting the song to end.
We then watched the slow exodus of partiers shuffling through the exit doors wondering if many of them would actually make it home without incident, and of course there were those who decided to stay and continue the revelry even though the lights had come on, the exit doors open, and the function centre staff have started clearing the tables and begun packing them away. These are the same that play chicken with you as you are trying to carry a ton of amp back to your car, or try engage you in conversation during the same.
Anyway, after having successfully packed away the gear and gave my farewells to the band members, I slumped into my car ready for a long GPS this time...I knew my way home.
Father Bob
6 years ago
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