Well folks, here I am, fingers poised, ready to offer my first nuggests of thought and wisdom to a world which I know is just starving needlessly for them.
Unfortunately, all I can do is stare at my Simpsons coffee cup and search my deepest innards for something I need to say, somthing that gripes me amuses, annoys me or elates me.
Nothing... I have nothing. When I lay down to sleep of a night my mind races for hours with sporadic thoughts, situations, schemes... though as soon as I sit humbly before this great machine with its infinite possibilities for mass communication and expression, my brain scampers into a hidden corner of my scull, (I can feel it somewhere behind my left ear).
In fact, the exact same process occurs when I am faced with social interaction.. after the standard pleasantries and 'how ya doins', Im lost for words. There is plenty I could say, but sifting through what would be appropriate and relevant to the conversation takes time, Im a thinking man, not one to be able to spew out words on call, or come up with the witty one liners.
More so in the presence of beauty, it is as if a weight is suddenly placed upon my upper lip causing it to remain clasped shut, and a trigger is sent to the nerve centre of my brain telling it to go into meltdown other than dispatching freakish facial expressions or the code for my skin pores to suddenly open and allow a flood of persiration to cover me.
No. I am one most comfortable with silence, the silence which allows us to listen and hear the utterings of the heart and soul.
As esteemed author Kahil Gibran most elequently puts it: 'Beauty has its own language, loftier than the voices of tongues and lips, it is a timeless language common to all humanity, a calm lake that attracts the singing rivulets to its depths and makes them silent' .
Upon those words, I shall become silent once again, until the next time I have absolutely nothing to say.
Take Care...Ecca
Father Bob
6 years ago
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