It's been a pretty quiet week on the Studio front this week, so I've been spending some time sitting in my fat controller's chair updating this and installing that and fiddling with a new GPS I purchased through EBAY. I definitely need to be told where to go and how to get there, a poor stumbling, wandering being such as myself often needs a little clear concise direction.
I also received a new hi tech gadget from my parents who just returned from their overseas holiday. They brought me back a Merlin which is a media player/recorder with an internal 120g hard drive, awesome little gadget, they managed to pick this up in Dubai, so I have been sorting through some of my favorite movies, and dumping them onto the media player. I had to include Naked Lunch, The man who wasn't there, Blade Runner and I am considering transferring my David Lynch and Woody Allen collection to the device as well, after that I will probably start on my favorite albums.
It was also a week of good news, I received confirmation this week that J and I have a permanent weekly gig at a local restaurant, we did our first one last Friday, and it went well, though could have been a few more diners to hear us. The management were quite impressed and I believe there could be additional work if they have a booked function. J and I haven't had the duo going since my medical problems about a year back, so it was good to be a musical team again.
I also played a gig last night with a few musician friends (some I had never played with before) for an organization called merry makers, who are a social group for adults with disabilities. It was a fun night, they really knew how to kick up their heels and get into the spirit of things. We played mainly standard country and rock songs, and they (and we) absolutely had a ball. It was so great to see an audience enjoying themselves that much. I even spotted a few of my music therapy clients, they were quite surprised to see me on stage with a band.
In the next few days I hope to finish off a song I've been working on, and we might even see something new from the collaborative group ( I think Dave will be back from interstate this week ). So keep your ears wide open.
Father Bob
6 years ago
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