What a great weekend I've had.
Basically all I did was play music and hang out with Jen, perfect as far as I can tell.
Thursday night was a great night as usual at Jake's Jam, with some regulars and old friends turning up and having a good ole play together. Yes it can get loud and messy at times, but what the hey, we're all having a great time.
Friday night, I was asked to play with a local 50's - 60's rock and roll outfit. Great band, tight, all fine musicians, and as expected I had a ball. First time I had played with them, it felt so natural and after a few apprehensive numbers, I felt totally comfortable. I was actually asked to join them the following night at another gig, but i had a daytime gig to do, so unfortunately had to decline.
Saturday, Jen and I joined a group of musicians offering an afternoon of entertainment for a charity function. We had a great time and were well received.
Sunday Jen and I sang and played at a local market, which went really well, we had a friend of mine with us playing guitar, and banjo, and it sounded great. Looks like it is a regular gig every 6 weeks or so. looking forward to it again in April.
The guys were around again yesterday, we worked on a new song of Wayne's (which I hope we didn't mess around with too much as it ended up sounding quite Ska), i put some vocals on it today from Lyrics Wayne game me, but I thing I will rewrite them to suit the style more, it will be a surprise post in the not too distant future.
Today I will leave you with another tune I did on the new keyboard, it is a Prince style number, take a listen if you want, and feel free to comment.
Suzie's Emancipation
Father Bob
6 years ago
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